• Strong economy
  • Open to the world
  • Competitive and full of talent
  • An entrepreneurial region
  • Quality of life
  • Oportunities


VID offers information & advise on European, National, Regional and Local funding

Investors in the Valencian Region enjoy strong institutional support from the public authorities, which are committed to minimising bureaucratic barriers to make it easy to set up businesses here and create the right climate for investment.

Also benefits from various national measures that have been put in place in recent years. These have helped improve Spain’s macroeconomic situation. Examples include making the labour market more flexible, creating a tax system to encourage RDI and the publication of the Support for Entrepreneurs and International Expansion Act 14/2013 of 27 September, which has a section dedicated to residence permits for foreign investors.

Governmental and regional support:

In addition, the region offers a wide range of regional incentives and aid.
These are divided into:

• Incentives for investment in
- fixed assets
• Incentives for hiring, work experience and training
• Energy and environmental incentives
• Financing

>> Incentives for investment in the Valencian Region

>> Incentives for investment in Spain

 More information >> Please contact us

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